Unlocked Archives

  • January 28, 2023

    Three items: one dress, one skirt, one jumpsuit. These were the pieces I wanted to sell at a consignment shop. If they sold, the store owner would earn a profit, and I would also walk away with some cash. . I located a consignment store and arranged to sell my items there. Then I called [...]

  • January 27, 2023

    Join Natalie and producer Dylan (who dat? find out) for an update on George's next few months, plus a look behind the scenes on their experiences creating the Unlocked audio devotional. And Dylan's looking for feedback on the music that goes under the story narration: lame? awesome? indifferent? Email podcast@unlocked.org to him know.

  • January 26, 2023

    God's plan is good. We don't have to worry when it seems like things aren't going well. We can be patient because we can know that God is still good, and He is still on the throne. . Remember people like Paul and Peter, who were put in prison for their faith in Jesus. Even [...]

  • January 24, 2023

    With a sickening crunch, a piece of my tooth snapped at the back of my mouth. Shocked, I momentarily paused, anxious about how broken it would be. Carefully taking out the broken piece of the tooth, I realized it was a tiny fragment. . "I can live with it until my next dentist appointment," I [...]

  • January 22, 2023

    When did you become God's? When did God first notice you and pay attention to you? The psalms talk about that happening before we were even born. Before we made our appearance in the world, we were already seen by God. We were already claimed by God. We already had God looking out for us. [...]

  • January 20, 2023

    It's God's desire that every one of us is saved. God is loving and does not desire to see anyone perish (2 Peter 3:8-10). Jesus came for all people, irrespective of race, tribe, or culture. Salvation is meant for anyone who will come to Jesus. Anyone who confesses their sins and puts their trust in [...]

  • January 18, 2023

    Ayesha, you are under arrest for violating the curfew,” the words echo inside. “Tomorrow you are sentenced to the Ocean of Mistakes.” "God, please save me," I pray. I've been pleading all night in my prison cell. "I know I've failed. Please forgive me." . Sunrise peeps through the window. CLANG. The door opens. My [...]

  • January 16, 2023

    Genesis 1:26-27 says God created humans in His own image, in His likeness. This tells us God places the same value on all people, because each of us is created in His image. . Sometimes, we tend to think that we are of less value than others. We might compare ourselves with those who seem [...]

  • January 14, 2023

    When I was eleven years old, the public school teachers in my district went on strike to call for much-needed improved wages. The students missed a few weeks of school as a result. To make up some of the missed days, the school board instituted something I'd never heard of before: Saturday school. For one [...]

  • January 12, 2023

    I'll never forget something God reminded me of in a hospital room. We were visiting a dear friend who had just had a baby. A few minutes into our visit, her newborn son woke up from his slumber and began to cry. I'll never forget the words of comfort she spoke to her wailing son [...]