Unlocked Archives

  • February 17, 2023

    One of Jesus's names is the Lion of Judah. But what does this name mean? We have to go way back to the beginning of the Bible for this question, to the book of Genesis. The ancestors of the Israelites' tribes were the sons of Jacob—who was later called Israel (Genesis 32:24-30). Among these brothers, [...]

  • February 14, 2023

    I like to take walks with my dog almost every day. One evening, I passed a house that had so many flowers of all different colors, and it just made me so happy! A woman was outside watering them, so I told her I loved all her beautiful flowers. She responded with a big smile, [...]

  • February 13, 2023

    "She does WHAT?" As we walked out of class, a friend told me something surprising. A boy at our school, who I'll call “Henry,” had persuaded his girlfriend, “Vanessa,” to do his homework for him. When another student asked Henry about this, he admitted that every school night Vanessa completed not only her own homework [...]

  • February 11, 2023

    When my friend invited me to her twelfth birthday party, I couldn't contain my excitement! I anticipated the fun we'd have—playing games, eating cake, and swimming in her backyard pool. There was just one problem. My Campfire group planned to see a movie that same day, and I wanted to go. I couldn't do both, [...]

  • February 9, 2023

    A storm is swirling around you, the winds howling. The rain falls hard from the sky, stinging you as it hits. Terrified, you cry out for help. Suddenly, something drapes over you. You are pulled close. You are covered in the shadow of the wings of God. Under the wings of your Savior, you find [...]

  • February 7, 2023

    On October 5, 1703, in East Windsor, Connecticut, Jonathan Edwards was born—the son of Timothy Edwards, a pastor, and Esther Edwards, his wife. Young Jonathan soon found himself surrounded by ten sisters, who—because of their average height of six feet—came to be identified by the townsfolk as Timothy's sixty feet of daughters. . Jonathan was [...]

  • February 5, 2023

    My grandmother had invited me to join her for a special event: the trip to the airport to pick up her brother, my uncle Barton. I felt grown up accompanying Nanny to the airport, so I decided to wear my favorite outfit with my new navy-blue loafers for the occasion. But Uncle Barton's flight was [...]

  • February 3, 2023

    She is leaving, and I feel so lost I didn't want it to be this way, but it is Where are you, God? I am hurting, but you're not healing I am falling, but you aren't saving me With the psalmist, I cry out “How long, LORD?” At night, I toss and turn in my [...]

  • February 1, 2023

    "Search me, God, and know my heart.” When my heart doesn't know itself. When my thoughts and my feelings are so jumbled and confused that I can't see the truth through the fog. Every day, O Father, search me and know my heart. . “Test me and know my anxious thoughts.” When previously calm waters [...]

  • January 30, 2023

    Hannah took a swig from the can. It wasn't like anyone cared what she did anymore. Her parents were caught up in dealing with her little sister's illness; they wouldn't notice if she came home drunk. . “What are you doing?” . Hannah startled at the sound of a voice. She spun in a circle [...]