Unlocked Archives

  • January 29, 2023

    "If God is loving, why does He deal with sin so harshly?" It's a great question. Before we go on, let's remember that God is always the same, always keeps His promises, and is always good, even when we don't understand (Romans 11:33-35). . Judgement for sin may not seem nice, but it actually shows [...]

  • January 27, 2023

    One element in storytelling that I enjoy is called a “redemption arc.” It's where we get to see a character who was evil, hurtful, or just made a lot of mistakes” ...turned to good and brought into community. This theme in stories has strong ties to Christianity and to God's own story of redemption. . [...]

  • January 25, 2023

    Who helped you understand the love of Jesus? For me, it was a woman I'll call “Amelia,” a youth group leader I had at church. She provided conversation, encouragement, water, food, and sometimes a place to sleep if someone's own home wasn't a safe place. To be honest, I remember her practical care more clearly [...]

  • January 23, 2023

    Sometimes I feel like I am not enough. I feel like I am not trying hard enough or doing big enough things with my life. I feel bad for not being as successful as others. You may have days like that too. You might have days when you mess up and you feel like you're [...]

  • January 21, 2023

    The Aramean army surrounded Samaria. No one could get out or go in. People were starving since no one could get past the Aramean army. Those outside the gates—lepers who were unclean since leprosy was a fatal skin disease—were also starving. . Four lepers sat outside the gate. Trying to figure out a way to [...]

  • January 19, 2023

    I believe in You And then I don't I trust in You Then I get scared I waver and doubt I mess up and hide I don't cling to You like I should I rest in peace And then I wake scared I cry to You Then I turn away I stumble and fall I [...]

  • January 17, 2023

    I love mosaics—pictures made of tiny pieces of random materials, arranged together on some type of canvas. It could be a literal canvas made of cloth stretched over a wood frame, or a cement paving stone, or even a wall or ceiling. I think what I love most about mosaics is that you can make [...]

  • January 15, 2023

    Throughout the Bible, God calls His people to tell one another about all He has done. As we wait for Jesus to return bodily to earth and fully restore His creation, we go through a lot of hard things. But God is at work restoring this broken world, and when we experience Him bringing wholeness [...]

  • January 13, 2023

    I struggled to lift my head up to peer into the distance. I was sure it was close, but I wasn't sure if I could make it. My battle with the dragon had left me deeply wounded; I had barely survived the attack. My only hope was to get to the King's strong tower for [...]

  • January 11, 2023

    I struggle with anxiety. There are times when my anxiety gets to me and keeps me from being at peace. I can pray in those times and feel like it's not helping at all. . As Christians, sometimes we are made to feel bad for having anxiety. Aren't we supposed to trust that God will [...]