Unlocked Archives

  • June 2, 2022

    Anna shifted her legs. Sitting in the crowded marketplace was hot, but she had come with many other people wanting to hear from this man named Jesus, who some said was the Messiah. Dust blew across her lap as a man stood up. Anna almost gasped, recognizing an expert of the law. She listened intently [...]

  • May 31, 2022

    If you were at the starting line, about to run a big race that you had spent months training for, would you wrap weights around your ankles? Would you tie them around your waist? Would you wear a backpack full of weights? Would you carry them in your hands? Of course not! Why? Because running [...]

  • May 29, 2022

    When God created the world, He gave Adam and Eve the task of caring for the earth. God gave them confidence, strength, and the ability to make decisions. And they had lots of decisions to make—starting with naming all the birds, livestock, and wild animals. I had enough trouble choosing names for my childhood pets. [...]

  • May 27, 2022

    Every morning the people of the village would gather for the reading of the scrolls. They were called the doom scrolls because they always contained bad news. Though no one much liked the morning routine, they couldn't bear to stay away. They'd watch silently as the village reader carefully unrolled a scroll and read what [...]

  • May 25, 2022

    I was hungry. Lost. Out of options. So, I decided to go, go and try. I knew I didn't deserve his help. I was not sure I even had the courage to ask. I knew I could not look him in the eyes. I practiced what I would say to him on the long, hungry [...]

  • May 23, 2022

    I see her struggle and it hurts I believe it hurts you too, Jesus Help her understand that you know Help her see that you are in control Let her hold on a little longer Let her become a little stronger I see her push through another day My heart breaks to watch her, so [...]

  • May 20, 2022

    The outrage on the judge's face multiplied, and he spit his next words. “The penalty for her sin is death. You cannot waltz in here and demand that justice not be served.” The man beside me took a long breath, and in a sad voice said, “I know.” My heart sank, and I covered my [...]

  • May 19, 2022

    The jury was silent. The judge's face turned red with anger. “I'll ask you again. Who do you think you are, bursting into this courtroom?” The man who had just run in from outside was still looking at me as the judge spoke, but his attention slowly shifted back to the judge. “What is this [...]

  • May 18, 2022

    I crossed my arms over my stomach self-consciously, trying to hide the tattoos that condemned me. I'm not sure why I bothered. Everyone in the courtroom had seen all they needed to. Every citizen bore the sin mark, but some were more visible than others. And my tattoos were a grim stain that covered my [...]

  • May 15, 2022

    God is capable of miracles. He can do anything. When we start to worry about what is going on in our lives, our country, or the world, it helps to remember that nothing is impossible for God. No matter how dark and hopeless things may seem, God can turn them around. Just look at the [...]