Unlocked Archives

  • October 1, 2021

    Milestones in our lives, like graduations or birthdays, can stir up wishes for our futures. Excited about a fresh start, we dream about opportunities and make plans. On the other hand, change can also stir up fear. We might feel overwhelmed by what lies ahead. While dreaming about our future and reflecting on our past [...]

  • September 29, 2021

    Why did Jesus have to die? That's a big question for us today, and I bet it was an even bigger question for Jesus' disciples when He started talking about His upcoming death and resurrection. They were Jesus' closest friends, and they didn't understand what He was saying. Peter really didn't like to hear Jesus [...]

  • September 27, 2021

    Have you ever cleaned up something really grimy? My parents own a used car lot, and when I was growing up, sometimes I would do some cleaning around the shop to earn extra money. The office was never too bad, but the garage? You couldn't even see the countertop! All you could see was oil, [...]

  • September 25, 2021

    No matter where you are in your faith, the book of Romans offers an amazing explanation of the foundations of Christianity. The core truths of knowing and following Jesus are life-changing. Romans is a letter written by the apostle Paul to Christians in Rome. The church was made up of Jewish and non-Jewish (Gentile) Christians, [...]

  • September 23, 2021

    "God is so _____.” What word would you put in that blank? Holy? Good? Big? All these are true! But one word I haven't thought of putting there until lately is beautiful. I don't often think of God as beautiful, but according to Scripture, He is! In Psalm 27, David talks about how desperately he [...]

  • September 21, 2021

    The Bible features stories of imperfect people—just like us—interacting with Jesus. The woman at the well, the man on the cross next to Jesus these people were seen by a holy God, and they were recognized as people worthy of His attention. When we mess up, we feel the need to hide from God. Some [...]

  • September 19, 2021

    When people do wrong to us, what is the first thing we want to do to them? Usually, it's not something good. But as Christians, we know that God loves us with an enormous love, and He also calls us to love others. Even when people do wrong to us, we do not have the [...]

  • September 17, 2021

    If you grew up in church, it can be easy to take God's Word for granted. And sometimes, the Bible can seem like just a bunch of weird stories and rules that make life boring. But the Bible is indeed special; this book is God speaking to us! God inspired people who listened to Him [...]

  • September 15, 2021

    Do you have a best friend? I do. She's wonderful, and what's awesome is she lives one door down from me! I've known her my whole life, but that doesn't mean everything was always perfect. We've had many ups and downs, but we haven't left each other's sides. And for a long time, it was [...]

  • September 13, 2021

    No other love we can experience will ever compare to the love Christ Jesus offers. We may get glimpses of love shown by others, but it will never compare to what Jesus has to offer. His love is so pure, strong, measureless, fulfilling, and satisfying. He completely understands us. He has provided for us when [...]