Unlocked Archives

  • August 1, 2020

    How well do you know the streets around your home? As you drive by, you probably know by heart that there's a gas station on the right and, up ahead, there's an old blue van that's been parked in the same spot since the beginning of time. But have you ever noticed something new on [...]

  • July 31, 2020

    "I am so stupid! How could I mess up like that? I know better. I'm just no good. I can't do anything right!" None of us are perfect, so at some point we all think these kinds of thoughts about ourselves. And the scary part is, they're partly true: none of us are good on [...]

  • July 29, 2020

    How do you detect a fake? The best way to spot counterfeits is to be intimately familiar with the real thing. Based on this idea, the United States government offers an online currency education program so the public can study the security features of various denominations of dollar bills. The better acquainted a person is [...]

  • July 27, 2020

    Imagine you're in a superstore full of what the Bible calls “good works”—all the things you've been told you need to be as a Christian. "Kind" "helpful" "loving" "always willing to bring potato salad to the church potluck." You've been hearing how you need to be these things all your life—from your parents, teachers, pastors— [...]

  • July 25, 2020

    Regret: everyone experiences it at some point. I recently sold my truck before I really needed to at a price that was too low. And, afterward, I was full of regret. I had no plan for what I was going to buy to replace it, which led me to spiral into fearful desperation. I knew [...]

  • July 23, 2020

    Have you ever wanted to be a missionary to a foreign country? If so, you could follow in the footsteps of one of Christianity's most influential missionaries, St. Francis Xavier. Francis Xavier was born in Spain in the 1500s. He traveled to India to spread the gospel there, teaching the locals about what it meant [...]

  • July 21, 2020

    We all wonder what our purpose is in life. We wonder why we're here and what we're called to do. The good news? We don't have to search far to find the answer, because throughout the Bible, God's Word, we see clearly that our purpose is to worship God, our Creator. We were made to [...]

  • July 19, 2020

    Communion (also called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist) is deeply meaningful for Christians, but why is that? Well, it's a reminder of how God has worked over and over again to bring His people to Himself and how that work will ultimately be fulfilled when Jesus returns. The first event that communion points to [...]

  • July 17, 2020

    Do you know someone who has dementia? Dementia is a group of conditions that involve declining thinking skills—such as memory and communication. Since these changes usually happen over time, family members of those with dementia often say it's like losing their loved ones in stages—making the grief process long and complicated. Dementia is very much [...]

  • July 15, 2020

    Wouldn't it be great to have God speak to you today as He did to Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-18)? Sometimes, when I have a particularly pressing concern, I just want God to speak audibly to me so I can know exactly what He wants me to do. A gigantic, neon sign—instead of earthquakes or fire—would [...]