Unlocked Archives

  • December 3, 2020

    Leviticus isn't the easiest read. We wonder, "Why does this book spend so much time on minute rules about animal sacrifices? Isn't the whole Bible supposed to be about Jesus?" These are good questions. It turns out these sacrifices paint an important picture of why we need Jesus and what He has done for us. [...]

  • November 29, 2020

    I. knew that death would be the end, For so the prophets told. No hope have those down in the grave, No praises can unfold. And that was how it'd always been, The Scriptures were agreed. But then this “Jesus” changed it all And gave us a new creed! For He came back, He conquered [...]

  • November 27, 2020

    Sharing the gospel is about so much more than our words. It is also about sharing it through our actions, through our love. In James 2:26, it says, “Faith is dead without good works.” In other words, as Christians, we're saved to do more than just talk about what we believe; the Holy Spirit empowers [...]

  • November 25, 2020

    When you think of the prophet Jonah, what comes to mind? Getting swallowed by a huge fish? Running from God? A certain movie with talking vegetables? What you might not know is how the story of Jonah points us toward Christ. Although Jonah is known for his reluctance to preach to the people in Nineveh, [...]

  • November 23, 2020

    I had no idea I was nearsighted until I failed my vision screening test in the sixth grade. Once I got my first pair of glasses, I was blown away by what the world really looked like. Trees that had been green blobs now had individual leaves! I could read billboards along the road before [...]

  • November 21, 2020

    I put away the oars, the dock looming out of the mist. The coordinates they had given me were spot-on. The island city was real after all. Two tall statues, of a man and a woman grasping hands, framed the entrance to the metropolis. The streets were of stone, as were the buildings, and the [...]

  • November 19, 2020

    Are you praying desperately for loved ones and wondering if they'll ever come to know Jesus? You are not alone. This is the battle that St. Monica had all the way back in the fourth century AD. Monica was a devout Christian. She was in an arranged marriage with Patricius, a man who did not [...]

  • November 17, 2020

    When you find an area in your life that needs change, do you seek to try harder and do better—but find it just gets worse? As Christians, this is often how we look at the gospel. How have we taken something so simple and turned it into a to-do list? Into “Jesus plus this”? Into [...]

  • November 15, 2020

    Kellen crossed his arms and shook his head as smoke engulfed his one-man transport. He turned away and stepped off the tracks that connected the two largest cities in the world. The railway cut through a thick forEsther Kellen marveled at some of the trees before he reached for his phone. As he slipped his [...]

  • November 13, 2020

    Do you have a theme song? Do you ever wake up with a song in your head? Do you memorize song after song? Psalms, which is actually a book of songs, is the longest book in the Bible. But, even though it is long, it's a great book to start reading because it's already broken [...]