Unlocked Archives

  • November 2, 2022

    When I talk about my mom, it's easy to become emotional. After losing my mom in 2020, I wondered at the ways she mirrored God's grace. In moments when I stood guilty, I knew I was still loved by Mom. Growing up in my house, we saw this grace in action—and to be honest, sometimes [...]

  • October 31, 2022

    By day, the town of Goshen was like any other. People went to work, children went to school, and families gathered to share a meal at suppertime. But after dark, everything changed. Doors were locked and drapes were pulled tight over windows. Because here, the dead ruled the night. They came from the ground and [...]

  • October 29, 2022

    We all have times in our lives when we mess up and things are not right. We all have times when we feel guilty and dirty. We want to make things better, but we aren't sure what steps we need to take. God is there in those times. He is all about second chances and [...]

  • October 26, 2022

    In reading the narrative of David and Goliath, I noticed a small detail, and it got me thinking. The first seven verses of 1 Samuel 17 detail Goliath's very impressive appearance. Verse 5 mentions his bronze scale armor, which weighed more than one hundred pounds. Notice the word scale? That caught my attention. It reminded [...]

  • October 25, 2022

    I'm fourteen, and something I need to be constantly reminded of is that I don't need to rush life. I always want my way—I want what's next. I want to drive a car, have a boyfriend, be married, and have kids. I think I'm ready for a real job and college, but the truth is, [...]

  • October 23, 2022

    In most crime shows there is at least one episode involving something counterfeit: currency, artwork, even identities. While many of these shows depict the criminals using state-of-the-art technology to create their fakes, they are really just using the newest toys to commit the oldest crimes. People have needed a way to spot forgeries for ages. [...]

  • October 21, 2022

    When I was in fifth grade, I made a unique request of my mom. For my birthday, I wanted a homemade cake with homemade icing. Specifically, I asked for frosting made of peanut butter and jelly. Once in a while, my mother would whip up a cake for dessert and, if she didn't have a [...]

  • October 19, 2022

    Years back, my nephew told what he had experienced. His mother, who at the time was not a Christian (she has since been saved), was trying to take him and his sister to a witchcraft-worker supposedly to get protection. The girl refused, but the boy went. When asked later why he had agreed to go, [...]

  • October 17, 2022

    One of the first missionaries, Paul, left Titus on the island of Crete to oversee the new churches there and appoint elders in every town. Titus may have been young, or at least younger than Paul since Paul refers to him as “my true son in our common faith” (Titus 1:4). In the book of [...]

  • October 15, 2022

    "Wouldn't these magnets make great souvenirs from my trip?" I thought, browsing the little shop high above the ground. My summer of serving with inner city ministries in New York was drawing to a close, and my friends and I had wanted to visit the Empire State Building one final time. We stopped by the [...]