Unlocked Archives

  • April 1, 2021

    In an ever-changing world, we all want something to hold on to, don't we? When we go through a big transition in our life, it always helps to cling to something that doesn't change, though everything else around us may be changing. Maybe you're starting a new school, and you're not sure what that will [...]

  • March 30, 2021

    How can I know if I have eternal life? If there's one book that can best answer that question, it's 1 John. This letter is one of five books in the New Testament written by the apostle John. He wrote this letter to help guide Christians who were facing challenges to their faith. Just like [...]

  • March 29, 2021

    Sacrifices. They appear all throughout the Bible, beginning with the animal killed to clothe the first humans after they fell into sin (Genesis 3:21): “Adam, my sheepskin is wearing thin. Soon, I'll have nothing to wear.” “I need a new sheepskin too. I'll go hunting tomorrow for another one.” “Please be careful! Oh, I hate [...]

  • March 27, 2021

    Have you ever played “Follow the Leader”? One person leads, then the rest follow, copying every move. But if a leader is someone in charge—someone we look to for directions—then what makes a good leader? Is it honesty? Integrity? Public speaking abilities? Humor? Organizational skills? Timothy was a young pastor who was like a son [...]

  • March 25, 2021

    The storm was getting more violent by the second. The little boat couldn't handle it. It creaked and groaned. There was no way we could make it. We would sink and all of us would drown, for there was no land near us. Our master was asleep. No normal human being could sleep through a [...]

  • March 23, 2021

    Lightning splits the sky, so I dash inside the nearest store, before I'm drenched. A woman polishes. “Welcome, Hayley. I'm Nancy,” she says, placing the duster to one side. “Come on in. Get shelter from the rain.” “How do you know my name?” I ask, transfixed by the treasures and jewels on display. Nancy smiles, [...]

  • March 21, 2021

    I keep it handy. A college notebook. From time to time, I open it to the back of my American History final. On this page, my favorite professor wrote: “It was a real joy to have had you as a student this past term. Your diligence and enthusiasm were always apparent—even on those days when [...]

  • March 19, 2021

    We like control. We like comfort. We fear the things that threaten our personal security, and we do everything we can to eliminate them. But God never promised us an easy life. In fact, He tells us we as Christians can expect the opposite. Yet God also tells us not to worry. How can we [...]

  • March 17, 2021

    God created us in His image. He created us to trust in Him and not to worry about what the future might hold. At the dawn of creation, Adam and Eve didn't spend their days stressing over the unknown. They knew God would provide for them: He had provided them with each other, and He [...]

  • March 15, 2021

    St. Patrick was a Scottish teenager when his village was attacked. The invaders threw him on a ship and took him to Ireland where he was sold as a slave to a farmer. Most of Patrick's slavery was spent alone as a shepherd, so he talked to God almost constantly. Their relationship deepened. One day, [...]