Unlocked Archives

  • May 13, 2021

    When a catastrophe occurs, how do you normally react? Do you want to dive right in and help, or do you often find yourself standing on the sidelines? I can empathize with Jesus' disciples when they were confronted with five thousand ravenously hungry people. Their first reaction was to send the people away, to remove [...]

  • May 10, 2021

    If you've ever run a race, you might have experienced a sudden boost of energy when you saw the finish line. Or maybe you've entered a contest, and when it became difficult, stayed motivated by remembering the prize you'd receive if you won. Maybe you've pushed through challenging classes in school by remembering the hope [...]

  • May 9, 2021

    ***Editor's Note: Today's devotion is a fictional telling based on true biblical events. The following story is how one author imagines a day in Leah's life.*** Three children. Three ways I tried to prove myself to Jacob. Yet here I am, pregnant again. Unloved. Standing outside in the glaring sun, I watch my sister Rachel. [...]

  • May 7, 2021

    The book of John is vastly different from the other three Gospels. John carefully crafted his account to demonstrate Jesus is the great I AM (God's personal name used in the Old Testament) so his audience would continue to believe in Jesus as Messiah, the promised rescuer. John uses a lot of sevens, which is [...]

  • May 5, 2021

    Who is Jesus? This is the question Mark wants his audience to wrestle with. Throughout his account of Jesus' life, Mark shows different people, including Jesus' disciples, as they wrestle with the same question: Who is Jesus? Mark illustrates how people didn't really know who Jesus was. They figured out He was the Messiah, the [...]

  • May 3, 2021

    Have you ever wondered why the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are all so different? If they all tell the same story, why aren't they all the same? To answer those questions, we need to understand what genre these four books are written in. The Gospels are ancient biographies about Jesus. If you've [...]

  • May 2, 2021

    Dear Jason, I was encouraged to hear about the success of the control mission and how you're doing in Sector 2 in your most recent transmission! Here in Sector 8, things have been continuing on with the mission. We're gathering good data on chemical components and viability for transporting the material back to base. Hopefully [...]

  • April 29, 2021

    Fear shows its face in a lot of ugly ways. It distorts the way we view the future and the past. It creates worst-case scenarios in our minds and builds walls around our hearts. Fear is a tool of the enemy. But God reminds us again and again that we have no reason to buy [...]

  • April 27, 2021

    Have you ever thought, I just want to be free? What are you struggling to free yourself from? Maybe it's guilt, shame, fear, hatred, or addiction. Are you struggling to be free from the negative thoughts about yourself? How about struggling to be free from the worries that mess with your mind? Did you know [...]

  • April 25, 2021

    One spring night I woke up very early—4:00 a.m. to be exact—to booming thunder, flashes of lightning, and a downpour of rain. It was completely dark outside in the raging storm, but I heard something strange: the sound of a bird, a robin, singing. "How can that crazy robin be singing at four in the [...]