Unlocked Archives

  • September 2, 2021

    One of my favorite Bible passages is Jesus' parable of the lost sheep. I'm amazed by the idea of a God who loves His children so much that He will leave the ninety-nine to chase down one. Just picture this story for a moment and imagine what you would do if you were the shepherd. [...]

  • September 1, 2021

    Breathing deeply, I ran along a dusty ridge at twilight. This strange planet was rocky and laden with traps. My commanding officer had warned me not to take shortcuts but to think clearly about where each path would lead. He said this trail's end contained wormholes to other worlds; my training would help me choose [...]

  • August 31, 2021

    I. am here, Oh, my Maker, surrendered to You. Fill me with Your love in all that I do. I am here, my Defender, You save me from fear. Hold me in Your hand and wipe ev'ry tear. I am here, My dear Father, You hold me so tight. Keep me in Your arms. I'm [...]

  • August 30, 2021

    Does the gospel affect how we treat the planet? I began wrestling with this question a couple years ago, and God has shown me so much of His goodness as I've sought Him. 1. This planet is good. God created everything with a purpose. He made this wonderful home for us, and we can live [...]

  • August 29, 2021

    Have you ever wondered why God created us with bodies? Why aren't we just disembodied spirit creatures floating around everywhere? Why do we need bodies? We may never know the answer. But we do know that our bodies are important to God—otherwise, He wouldn't have made us this way. He created us as bodies, He [...]

  • August 28, 2021

    Prayer is something Christians are called to do, and a lot of Christians comply without thinking. But what is prayer, and why do we do it? Usually when I think of prayer, I think of long phrases, gracious requests, and powerful missionary stories. If you're anything like me, it's hard to live up to that [...]

  • August 27, 2021

    There are times in my life when I have hard thing after hard thing stacked on top of one another. I have something stressful going on with my work, and then I have a tense relationship with my family. I am sucked into all the bad news about the world, and then I also have [...]

  • August 26, 2021

    Do you want to serve God with your life but have questions about what that looks like? If so, you may be encouraged to learn about Susanna Wesley. She never published books or held a formal leadership position, but her daily work inspired and guided those around her, contributed to the growth of two prominent [...]

  • August 25, 2021

    Ecclesiastes is one of my favorite books of the Bible, and Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 are some of my favorite verses. It's true that Ecclesiastes can be a complicated book; however, its message has been one of the most helpful truths I have learned in my life. Before we can understand the point of Ecclesiastes, it helps [...]

  • August 24, 2021

    As a test pilot for spacecraft, I was in control. If the beryllium alloy hull became too hot, I knew how to cool it. If the inertial reference came out of alignment, I knew how to calibrate it. If toxic gases infiltrated the air system, I could run a detect and purge them. I studied [...]