Unlocked Archives

  • June 15, 2022

    Do you find yourself reaching for the tissues at the end of a movie? Are you someone who chokes up when you hear a tragic news report? I am. Do you sometimes feel ashamed for shedding tears that you want to hide away? Believe me, I can empathize. Growing up, I was (and still am) [...]

  • June 11, 2022

    God strengthen me Sometimes I feel so weak God guide me Sometimes I feel so lost God hold me Sometimes I feel alone God care for me Sometimes I can't care for myself God save me I cannot save myself Jesus, your sacrifice is enough for me I know you gave everything Let me cling [...]

  • June 8, 2022

    The next morning, we continued down the forest path. After a couple hours, we came to a clearing on the top of a hill. I set down my pack with a grunt. My shoulders were sore where the straps had been digging in. He gestured to my pack and said, “That's a heavy load.” I [...]

  • June 7, 2022

    After a while, I kept walking. Mercifully, the sun continued its course in the sky and no longer beat down on me. I pulled a crust of stale bread from my pack and ate as I walked. I tried to remember an old hymn to turn my thoughts to praise, but I was too tired [...]

  • June 6, 2022

    The sun beat down on my back. Was I going the right way? Sweat poured down my face, stinging my eyes. I had known the journey was going to be hard, but I didn't expect it to be—confusing. As I trudged down the path, I squinted to see what lay ahead. Was that? No. Not [...]

  • June 3, 2022

    "I hope this isn't a prank," Jacob thought, waiting in the park by the daisies, just like the unusual parchment in his hand instructed. "It would be typical of me to fall for it." Glancing around, he expected someone to jump out and shout, “Gotcha!” But there wasn't anyone about. Wanting to turn back home, [...]

  • June 1, 2022

    Hebrews 12 encourages us to run the race that God has set before us, which is possible when we keep “our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith” (verse 2). Not only did Jesus start the race and finish the race, but He ran it faithfully—for us. He didn't take His [...]

  • May 30, 2022

    Ever feel like you can't do anything right?” I groaned to my friend. I had just dropped by Susanne's house to chat. Earlier that day, I had gone shopping for a birthday present for my sister. I chose a full-length mirror to hang on her bedroom door—the perfect gift for my fashion-conscious little sister. A [...]

  • May 28, 2022

    Our broken world is full of unfairness. You might have a sibling who your parents have always treated as their favorite child. No matter how much you try to impress your parents and get them to see what you can do, their eyes are always on that sibling. This can leave you feeling frustrated or [...]

  • May 26, 2022

    It is not always easy to talk to others about Jesus. Yet all around us, there are people who need to hear about Jesus, and sometimes, they even invite us to share the gospel with them. How can we have the courage to do so? Two of Jesus's followers, Peter and John, found themselves in [...]