Unlocked Archives

  • August 12, 2022

    CRASH! You failed. Again. You are sad and mad at the same time, not to mention humiliated. We have all experienced failure: making a low grade on an assignment, forgetting to complete a promised task, giving in to temptation to sin, etc. Usually, we can handle the minor failures. Though embarrassed, we carry on. But [...]

  • August 1, 2022

    Have you ever asked a question and received an answer that began, “Well, in a perfect world ”? What would your perfect world be like? No pain or sorrow? Everything beautiful and fun?When God made the world, He made everything good. There was beauty everywhere, and no pain anywhere. Adam and Eve were placed in [...]

  • July 29, 2022

    Have you ever been to a candle shop or watched people make candles? There are so many variations in candles! It seems like the possibilities are almost limitless. Differences in size, shape, color, design, fragrance, intended use, rate of burn—all these contribute to the huge variety in candles. But there is at least one thing [...]

  • July 8, 2022

    We have all experienced the pain of betrayal, unkind words spoken, and possibly even more serious hurts inflicted by someone against us. What is the natural response when people wrong us? Retaliation is often our first instinct. But is that the loving, Christian response? When someone wrongs us, God calls us not to do them [...]

  • June 5, 2022

    Have you ever been at school, with nothing to eat, and felt so hungry? Have you been on a diet or had to fast for a doctor's appointment? It isn't fun when we can't satisfy our physical cravings, and it's even worse when we can't meet our basic needs. On a deeper level, we all [...]

  • June 4, 2022

    Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” God made the vast heavens with the glorious light of the sun and the calming reflection of the moon. And to top it off, He sprinkled the sky with innumerable twinkling stars that bring us delight at night. He created [...]