Unlocked Archives

  • August 29, 2020

    Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. They sold him! I have younger siblings. And I admit there have been times I've thought this sounded like a good idea. But these guys actually did it! Can you imagine the betrayal Joseph must have felt? The outrage? The terror? Overnight, Joseph was a slave. Sometimes our lives [...]

  • August 23, 2020

    Too often, Christians have a vague understanding of heaven as a cloudy, indistinct place where we'll wear white bathrobes and strum on harps. No wonder so many people don't want to go there! If we take a good look at what the Bible actually says about heaven, we'll find that it sounds pretty good. Heaven [...]

  • August 4, 2020

    When I visited Gettysburg for the first time, my imagination whirred to life. I wanted to know the men who fought there. I wanted to hear their stories, to comprehend their politics, to peek in at their way of life. Because the events that happened on that field directly impact the world I live in [...]

  • July 6, 2020

    Taylor entered his coordinates into the dashboard computer, and his location popped up on the screen. He did some quick figuring, glad now that he had paid attention in geometry, and plotted the last leg of his flight. Only 1,312,569 more miles and he'd be home. He could see Earth in the distance, a miniature [...]

  • June 15, 2020

    God made a promise to Jacob (also called Israel) to turn his descendants into a great nation and give them a vast land. It was a repeat of the covenant made with his grandfather Abraham, which also included a clause to bless the earth through his family line. At the end of his life, Jacob [...]

  • June 12, 2020

    The lights flickered off, and a voice wavered over the intercom as rain began pelting the glass dome above my head. “The Atmospheric Observation Center has upgraded the oncoming macro to a category five. Please make your way to a designated safety location.” The Center always rated the storms that raged across the tundra against [...]