Unlocked Archives

  • November 17, 2021

    One of my favorite Bible stories is when Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus. After the Lord raised her brother, Lazarus, from the dead, she took an expensive flask of perfume, worth nearly a year's wages. It was likely the most expensive thing she owned, and she used it to anoint Jesus's feet, gently wiping His [...]

  • October 25, 2021

    The princess sat alone in her tower. There was nothing to hope for anymore, nothing to look forward to. Just day after day of loneliness and longing, serving the dragon who held her captive. As her mind swirled into a sea of despair, she glanced out the window, fully expecting to see the same dark [...]

  • October 21, 2021

    The last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, can seem brutal, as if God has lost all his patience and love for Israel. Yet this book is very important, as it would be the last direct words the Israelites would hear from God for over four hundred years. The time of Malachi was grim: the [...]

  • October 19, 2021

    Music and laughter filled the air, but Jamesh's heart was filled with darkness. He jabbed the shovel into the ground, vigorously ripping up the soil. “He runs away for months,” Jamesh growled, “squandering his inheritance and acting like a pig, while I stay here and work. And when he comes home, Father throws a party!” [...]

  • October 7, 2021

    Tears fall freely down my face as I stoop to gaze into this hole of death. I came early in the morning because this tomb holds the body of my Lord or did. I let my knees hit the ground at the entrance of the hollowed-out rock, let sobs shake my body. Suddenly, a burning [...]