Unlocked Archives

  • March 6, 2020

    Many people say they follow, love, and identify with Jesus. Unfortunately, a lot of different Jesus figures are out there, and all but One of them is fake. Many people believe in the Mormon Jesus, a celestial being who will lead us to an exalted celestial existence. Others believe in the Jehovah's Witness Jesus, a [...]

  • March 3, 2020

    Your body matters. You might not think about that all the time. When was the last time you looked down at your hands or feet, noticing the way they look or feel? What did you think? Were you pleased or not? What significance did you attribute to your body? The human body is filled with [...]

  • February 24, 2020

    Death smiled as his followers swept down onto the farmlands below. For centuries, he had ruled in secret over the whole world, owning all men and ending them when he chose. But his wrath had been kindled, and he was ready to destroy those who dared to resist him. The arrows flew thick as the [...]

  • February 21, 2020

    *Judgment.* We hate that word. We don't want people to judge us. One of the embarrassments of being a Christian is that the Bible is full of stories of judgment. And, of course, the Bible also promises God will one day gather all of the wicked people from throughout time and judge them. But isn't [...]

  • February 17, 2020

    Some rules are made to be broken. Even reading the Ten Commandments sends a shiver of intimidation down our necks, mixed, perhaps, with something darker. The laws God gave to Moses on the mountain are probably the best summary of human morality the world has ever seen, but the reaction they produce in human beings [...]

  • January 31, 2020

    The fleet of war machines hurtled through the air toward the city. The leader smiled fiercely, hands on the controls of his ship. “This is the greatest military power in the history of humanity,” he said to his officers, not caring if it was true. The leader's ship went into a dive, and the fleet [...]

  • January 23, 2020

    People are more important than things. It sounds so obvious, and yet we often forget this important tRuth This is where hospitality comes in. Hospitality, essentially, is acting as though the people in our lives are more important than the things. That's right. Hospitality isn't really about the things at all. We think of hospitality [...]

  • January 19, 2020

    Jesus won. He went up against the cosmic forces of sin and death and beat them. He died, but He didn't stay dead. His body came alive after three days in the tomb, and He is no longer mortal. He is free from death because He beat it. He is free from sin because He [...]

  • January 3, 2020

    The redemption of God's people was over before it began. Until it wasn't. Abraham and Sarah not being able to get pregnant. The slavery of their descendants in the land of Egypt. The rebellion of those descendants, leading to their eventual destruction by and exile to other nations. Each time, it seemed like God had [...]

  • December 26, 2019

    The spacecraft settled one last time. It was only when all was quiet that I realized I was back. I started to take my helmet off, then paused. Could I really do it? Walk outside without a helmet? Were the computers lying to me in their atmosphere reading of 21% Oxygen, 1% argon, and 78% [...]