Unlocked Archives

  • October 13, 2020

    We all are faced with the temptation to look godly to those around us. We may go to church, volunteer to pray, pray before every meal, refuse to use bad language, and the list could go on. But does a list of actions truly reflect how close we are to God? Fairly early on in [...]

  • October 9, 2020

    Have you ever felt like you have lost the heart to pray? It could be for any number of reasons. Jesus knows there are times we may be discouraged from praying, and so He tells a parable in Luke 18 meant to encourage His people to not give up praying. The first character in this [...]

  • September 8, 2020

    How do you normally respond to bossy siblings? When my sisters tried to tell me what to do when I was younger, I usually didn't listen to them. But if my parents told me to do something, that was a different story. What's the difference? It was a question of authority. My younger sisters didn't [...]

  • September 5, 2020

    Are people basically good or basically bad? Some would point out all the great acts of kindness humanity has shown over the ages to argue that people are basically good. Others would point out the many atrocities humans have committed to argue that people are basically bad. So, which is it? And why does it [...]

  • August 26, 2020

    What cause of death are you most afraid of? For me, it's definitely getting eaten by a Great White shark. (Yeah, and all those episodes of Shark Week have not helped me overcome my greatest fear!) We can think of all kinds of terrifying ways to die, but the truth is, many people find death [...]

  • August 20, 2020

    Every generation has popular catchphrases. There was a popular phrase in the early church that went something like this, “There was a time when He was not.” In fact, it was so popular that people would go around chanting it in the streets! What did the phrase mean? A pastor at the time by the [...]