Unlocked Archives

  • November 18, 2021

    Maybe you've heard that, in Philippians 4:13, the Bible teaches that you can do anything you want if you believe hard enough. So, if you want to be an engineer, but you hate math, this verse could teach that, with enough faith and prayer, you will become an engineer. But is that really what this [...]

  • November 6, 2021

    There are many sad things in this world: death, sickness, and isolation, to name a few. We can all get overwhelmed by this sadness from time to time. When that happens, Psalm 23 can be a source of great comfort. King David, the author of this psalm, begins by stating that because God is our [...]

  • October 24, 2021

    Jesus reveals God's great compassion for us. As God in the flesh, Jesus had a special connection with the people He met. He truly cared for them and was interested in their problems, and He helped them in many ways. As He traveled from town to town, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of [...]

  • September 17, 2021

    If you grew up in church, it can be easy to take God's Word for granted. And sometimes, the Bible can seem like just a bunch of weird stories and rules that make life boring. But the Bible is indeed special; this book is God speaking to us! God inspired people who listened to Him [...]

  • September 14, 2021

    When someone has mistreated or hurt us, it feels like we have a right to hate that person. Even if we know the Bible teaches we should forgive, sometimes we just don't want to. One of the ways Jesus taught about forgiveness was by telling a parable where the king represents God and the servants [...]

  • September 10, 2021

    Maybe your parents just got a divorce. Maybe someone you love died. Maybe you moved and started going to a new school, and you miss your friends. Maybe you feel alone in your pain. We live in a broken world where bad things happen, and because bad things happen, we hurt and feel the emotional [...]

  • July 25, 2021

    Have you ever wondered what David's older brothers did while he fought Goliath? While the Bible doesn't tell us, can you imagine a conversation between two of them? “Guess who volunteered to fight Goliath?” Shammah ran up the hill to his older brother. “Who would be that crazy? Did you see how big that guy [...]