Unlocked Archives

  • April 26, 2021

    During some periods of time when the world seems particularly chaotic, I make myself turn off the news. Spring 2020 is a great example. I deleted social media from my phone and stopped scrolling through article after article of politically polarized perspectives of world events. The natural disasters, the pandemic, the divisiveness it was just [...]

  • March 19, 2021

    We like control. We like comfort. We fear the things that threaten our personal security, and we do everything we can to eliminate them. But God never promised us an easy life. In fact, He tells us we as Christians can expect the opposite. Yet God also tells us not to worry. How can we [...]

  • March 14, 2021

    Waking up on rocky ground amid the wreckage, I stared at the purple sky. My body ached. The last thing I remembered was a strange force pulling my pod ship toward a crater on this moon. But the twisted panels around me could not comprise my pod. Where was it, and where was I? A [...]