The Plans of My Heart

Author: Allison Wilson Lee — Host: Natty AndersonPosted on: July 27, 2023

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Plans of My Heart

READ: PSALM 37:1-7; PROVERBS 16:1-9; 19:20-22

As a young child, I dreamed of many variations of my future: a ballerina (which I was told I could never accomplish), or a nurse who flies in helicopters to help with medical emergencies, or an environmentalist who protects God’s creation. I also fantasized about opening a shop that sold used books, bouquets of flowers, and had a café. I had a vivid imagination.

None of these aspirations have come true. As time went by, I changed my mind about what I would pursue for my future. I studied environmental biology, but I never established a career in that field.

I also dreamed of being a missionary—something God did give me opportunities to do. I served for twenty-two years in a mission organization, sharing the gospel as I lived on three different continents. Something I didn’t imagine doing with my life though? Becoming a writer. Now, my writing has been published in a number of different magazines.

When we follow Jesus, our lives often—or, honestly, almost always—turn out differently than we expect. When we give our hearts to Jesus, trusting in His death and resurrection to pay for our sins and provide eternal life, we begin a relationship with God our Father. We also start a journey on His path, running the race God has marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1-3). As we live in Christ, His Spirit lives in us, teaching us and leading us in God’s ways.

So, as we continue to dream and set goals, we can trust those hopes and desires to our wise Lord who has mighty plans for us, whose good purposes will prevail. • Allison Wilson Lee

• What are some of your hopes, dreams, or plans for the future? Do you feel like you can trust God with these important things? Why or why not?

• Have you ever had your dreams put down by other people? This is a painful thing, and Jesus feels these hurts with us. He is kind and trustworthy, and He invites us to open our hearts to receive His healing. Consider taking a moment to bring Him any hurts that come to mind.

• Have you ever felt like you needed to know exactly what you wanted your adult life to be like? That’s a pressure a lot of us have felt, but God doesn’t expect us to be able to plan out our future. Instead, He promises to be with us through everything, and He invites us to rely on Him as we face one decision at a time. How might this be a freer way to live life?

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)