Today’s Audio Devotion

  • December 4, 2024

    READ: ECCLESIASTES 3:1-14; MATTHEW 28:20; ROMANS 8:35-39 Have you ever seen a plant that’s been repotted? If a potted plant gets too big, it needs to be moved to a bigger pot so it can grow and flourish. But, when you first put it in its new home, it may look droopy. That’s because it’s [...]

  • December 3, 2024

    READ: JOHN 1:29; ROMANS 6:8-11; HEBREWS 10:1-25 I sat against my bunk bed. I had just realized that after being a believer for sixteen years, I didn’t understand Jesus. I know this sounds strange—and trust me, it was. I was devastated and confused. I had put my trust in Jesus at five years old and [...]

  • December 2, 2024

    READ: JOHN 15:13-15; ROMANS 3:21-24; 15:7; 1 JOHN 1:8–2:2 Are you good enough? I’m not. Not nearly good enough to please all those voices that tell me to do better, try harder, be perfect. How I’ve tried! Many of us are side-lined perfectionists, watching from the benches while other brighter, bolder, better perfectionists are in [...]

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About Unlocked: Daily Readings for Teens

Unlocked is a quarterly devotional for teens featuring daily readings centered on God’s Word. Each day’s reading—whether fiction, poetry, or essay—asks the question: How does Jesus and what He did affect today’s topic? With daily readings and questions designed to encourage discussion and a deeper walk with Christ, Unlocked invites teens to both engage with the Bible and to write and submit their own devotional pieces.

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Do you love to write? Are you passionate about sharing the gospel? Submit to Unlocked! We are seeking original, gospel-centered devotional pieces discussing any topic in any genre.

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Unlocked is reaching thousands of teens every day! But this ongoing ministry can’t happen without your financial support, which helps us with planning, recruiting writers, design, promotion, and much more.

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Unlocked has a new feature to help you unlock God’s word in your life. VersePics. Download the VersePic graphic each quarter for a new background for your phone, mobile device, or computer. It’s free!