Unlocked Archives: July 2024
July 31, 2024
READ: MARK 9:20-25; JOHN 6:25-35; PHILIPPIANS 1:6 Do you truly believe that Jesus’s way of life is the best way of life? I was raised in the church, and when I was presented with this question, my instinct was to say, “Of course!” Upon further examination, however, I began to realize that if I truly [...]
July 30, 2024
READ: JOHN 4:4-30, 39-42 When I was 18, I took part in a scholarship program to earn money for college. All the participants stayed with host families during the week of rehearsals and competition. Volunteer drivers picked us up for events and then returned us to our host homes in the evening. On the final [...]
July 29, 2024
READ: DEUTERONOMY 8:10-18; 2 CORINTHIANS 3:16-18 Have you ever looked up at the night sky and dreamt about what you might do in the course of your life? Maybe you’ll make a scientific discovery that will save thousands of lives, or write music that will touch thousands of hearts. Maybe someday, everyone will see just [...]
July 28, 2024
READ: ROMANS 3:21-26; 6:14; EPHESIANS 1:3-10 I have started a program to read through the Bible in ninety days. That means I’ve been reading a lot from the Old Testament each day. Wow, if there’s one thing I’m learning through my reading, it’s that we have so much to be thankful for when it comes [...]
July 27, 2024
READ: PSALM 103:12; MATTHEW 18:21-33; COLOSSIANS 3:12-17 In Matthew 18, Jesus said to forgive people “seventy times seven” times (verse 22). Have you ever read this and thought, “I’m sure I’ve forgiven _______ that many times already! I’m done!” You might already know this, but this verse doesn’t mean we should literally forgive someone seven [...]
July 26, 2024
READ: GENESIS 50:15-20; ROMANS 15:23-24; EPHESIANS 1:1-2; 6:19-20 Life as he knew it was over. His most precious possession was out of reach. Impossible to retrieve. He lay on the floor, nose touching the ground, limbs outspread in utter dejection. He was eighteen months old, and his red ball had rolled behind the sofa. She [...]
July 25, 2024
READ: PSALM 23; 1 JOHN 1:1-5 Chester turned his face to the sun one last time before climbing into the truck. Though the sun hung low in the sky like always, not providing much warmth, Chester knew he would miss it almost as much as he would miss his family. He was leaving all light [...]
July 24, 2024
READ: EXODUS 34:5-6; MALACHI 3:6; MATTHEW 7:24-29; 14:22-33 The world is constantly changing. There are always new technologies being developed and new ways of doing things. Each generation puts different emphases on different issues. It can be easy to feel like our parents and grandparents don’t understand what we’re facing today because certain things about [...]
July 23, 2024
READ: PSALM 139; MATTHEW 11:28-30; JOHN 3:17; 16:7-14 I work in the office of our local fire department, and unfortunately sometimes part of the fire department’s job is locating the bodies of people who have drowned. This is a valuable service that can help bring some peace to the victim’s family. However, it can be [...]
July 22, 2024
READ: ISAIAH 53:1-12; MATTHEW 26:27-28; 27:35-54; 2 CORINTHIANS 5:19, 21 Early I come to behold Your face,Seeking still Your glorious grace,Christ who died…holy…divine,Love crucified.Blessed be the Lord my God,Blessed be, O, blessed be,Blessed be the Lord!In shame the sun did turn away,As darkness in the silence reigned,God in flesh afflicted then,Cursed for all our sin.Holy [...]